Make your own windscreen washer fluid – here’s how!


Windscreen washer fluid gives you a clear view of the road. In the summer in particular, it allows you to clear the front windscreen of insect residue and other dirt. The cleaning agent can often be very expensive. Make your own windscreen washer fluid – here’s how!

In the summer in particular, you can save yourself a great deal of money and make the windscreen wiper fluid yourself. There are only a few things you will need.

  • A container for mixing, e.g. a plastic bottle
  • Washing-up liquid or glass cleaner
  • Normal tap water

Got everything? You can now mix your own cleaning fluid. It is worthwhile making a large quantity of washer fluid at any one time so as to save as much money as possible. The only cost involved is that of the washing-up liquid/glass cleaner.

  1. Fill the container with water until ¾ full.
  2. Add washing-up liquid/glass cleaner – you can decide for yourself how much to use.
  3. Close the container and shake well.
  4. Top the rest of the bottle up with water and shake once more.
  5. Your windscreen washer fluid is now ready for the summer season!

Refilling your windscreen washer fluid

Wikimedia Commons / Janericloebe

Your homemade washer fluid is now ready, but you now have to fill up the reservoir in your car. To do so, all you need is a small funnel to avoid spillages, and of course, the washer fluid.

  • First open up the bonnet and look for a container, which is generally made of transparent plastic. It will be marked with the following symbol.
  • Open the lid of the container (generally blue), hold the funnel in the opening and pour in the liquid. The opening has a market that shows you when you have poured in a sufficient quantity of windscreen washer fluid.
  • Then close up the washer fluid tank again and close the bonnet. And off you go!

However, even the best windscreen washer fluid is of little use if your windscreen wipers require changing. More information on this can be found here.

Does a friend of yours need to top up his washer fluid? Then share this article with him!

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